About the project

“Aristotelistes” project aims to create an innovative platform of worldwide impact, concerning ancient Greek literature. The project fully adopts and builds on the open innovation paradigm with considerable added value contributed by Greek academia and research institutes.
Its main objective is the development, demonstration, assessment and utilization of an integrated and inclusive open platform containing the complete corpus of Aristotelian works. This platform will operate as a social cooperative network, in which diverse types of users (academics, scholars, general public, students, and educational staff) will be able not only to navigate through its content, but also to contribute creatively towards its enhancement.
The value of the project lies on its novel approach to the study of a classical corpus. The project will crucially contribute to the development of a sustainable open innovation environment in the field of culture, which meaningfully incorporates collective intelligence.

The partners

The Social Cooperative Enterprise ACTION PLUS was established in Athens in 2014. We design and implement cultural mediation projects. Our mission is to offeri opportunitie to the general public to relate themselves to the cultural wealth of Greece by getting acquainted with history and culture, as they have evolved from antiquity to the present day.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) is the largest Greek University and an internationally renowned research institution. Thanks to its wide range of scientific activities (12 Schools, 42 Departments, 289 Laboratories), it demonstrates a rich research activity, extensive participation in European projects, and an active presence in the international academic community.

Nissos publications have been active since 1992 in the fields of social sciences and humanities. Nissos’s books derive from a wide range of discourses, theoretical traditions and opportunities for thought of diverse characteristics.
The Society for the Study of Human Sciences is a non-profit scientific organization and officially recognized NGO by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Computer Technology Institute and Press”Diophantus” is a research and technology organization focusing onresearch and development in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Project objectives

Translation of Aristotelean works in modern Greek

Development of a collaborative platform for the Aristotelian community

Design of new products and services